Arts & Crafts Night!

Come one, come all to the Shire’s A&S evening tomorrow! Bring your projects to work on or your obstacles you may need advice or help with (and for your sake, I will not be the one doling out the advice)! Lavinia will be present as well as other expertly knowledged persons who can answer questions or simply chew the fat with (my expertise is in fat chewing, the creation of heated wind, and general tomfoolery, both period and not period).

Location: Alix and Lucrezia’s house: 1347 Heather Lane, Webb City.

Time: I’m going to say 5:30 until I’m told, “No, no, it’s at 6.”

Food: Potluck, so bring some! We have plugs if you have things that need to be plugged in.

Misc: If you have an instrument, please bring it. I have music we can practice!